Familienministerin Paus sorgt sich um Demokratie-Projekte

Lisa Paus | dpa

Müssen Demokratie-Initiativen in Sachsen und Thüringen künftig kürzertreten, wenn die AfD dort immer stärker wird? Die Sorge treibt viele Engagierte in der Region um. Seit ihrer Sommerreise ist auch Familienministerin Paus besorgt.[mehr]

July 27 Wikipedia featured article

2014 Aston Martin DB9

2014 Aston Martin DB9

The Aston Martin DB9 is a two-door grand touring car produced by the British carmaker Aston Martin from 2004 until its discontinuation on 27 July 2016. The coupe debuted at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 2003, while the Volante convertible debuted at the Detroit Auto Show in 2004. Full-scale manufacture began in January 2004 for the coupe version and in February 2005 for the Volante. The DB9 was designed by Ian Callum and Henrik Fisker, and is the successor to the DB7, which Aston Martin produced from 1994 to 2004. The car’s chassis is composed of aluminium and composite materials. In 2008 and 2010, minor alterations were implemented to the DB9’s exterior and engine, and in 2012 prominent adjustments were made to its front fascia, interior and engine. The DB9 was adapted for racing by Aston Martin’s racing division in the form of the DBR9 and the DBRS9, both introduced in 2005. To commemorate the discontinuation of the DB9, Aston Martin released the DB9 GT in 2015. (Full article…)

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Olympische Spiele in Paris offiziell eröffnet

Marie-José Pérec und Teddy Riner entzünden die olympische Flamme | EPA

In Paris sind die Olympischen Sommerspiele 2024 offiziell eröffnet worden. Kurz vor der Entzündung ging die Flamme durch die Hände eines Star-Aufgebots. Tausende Sicherheitskräfte waren im Einsatz.[mehr]
